In studying the 5th chakra I realized how much the lessons here are a part of my life and recognize that I am much further along on my spiritual path than I was a few years ago. The 5th chakra teaches us a lot about judgement, the power of the words we speak, and about faith.
I have always had this fear of being judged. As a younger person it was wanting to fit in--very typical as we struggle through the social challenges of adolescence. I talk to my kids a lot about how each one of us is so special and unique, quoting Forrest Gump--"I am as God made me." We each have many gifts and if one of us were not here, the world would be very different.
As an adult I was afraid others would think I wasn't an attentive enough mother, that I hired too many babysitters, that I had one too many glasses of wine, or that I neglected the cleaning of my house or (gulp) my car. But if I am okay with myself, then I can't be judged. I can't allow other people's "stuff" to determine how I feel about my choices or my life.
In turn, I try not to judge others. I have learned, oh have I learned, that until I walk a mile in someone else's shoes, I cannot know what it is like to live their life. And I believe that most people do the best with what they have to work with. As Maya Angelou said--we do the best with what we know, and when we know better we do better. For that reason I don't think it's fair to gossip about other people. Why do we take pleasure in other people's struggles? If we spoke healing words or words of concern, healing energy can find them. But words of judgement and condemnation just reflect back on us and cast a shadow on our light. I'm not saying I never fall victim to the temptation to butt in to someones business, but I know it is far more productive to interact face to face with people than behind their back. That's how I want people to treat me--it's the Golden Rule, right? Treat others as you want to be treated. So simple yet so challenging in today's competitive world. But how do we have room to love someone if we're judging them? (Mother Theresa -- I'm full of them today!)
I think sometimes this competitiveness comes from fear. Fear that we ourselves are not doing a good enough job (in who's eyes?--I challenge us to ask). Also fear that someone else's success will somehow diminish our opportunities for success. There is enough happiness/love/success/joy/peace for all of us. Having faith that if we follow the right path we will have the life we dream of is a big step in spiritual growth. We might not get handed lemonade every day, but the sugar and water of most days help us to see the potential for the lemons on those other days. (Even if it means trading them in for limes and making margaritas!)
I know that I have a blessed life and that I have many angels looking out for me. I know I have a tremendous power to spread good in the world--we all do. And every night I rest my head knowing I did my very best that day. Let us all be gentle with our words, generous with our love, and faithful in our ways.
peace, love, and acceptance~
Okay Cristin, all your blogs are amazing, but this one I have to print and put someplace special to see everyday. That is/was so me! The worrying about fitting in but now finally realizing that I'm the one that has to look at myself in the mirror each morning and if I like myself, that is all that matters. Thank you for sharing a part of you with us in your blog. You definitely inspire!