As a Feng Shui Consultant I believe in the deep connection we have to the environments in which we live. Our spirits live in these bodies, and our bodies live in these spaces. Let's take care of ourselves from the inside out, and from the outside in.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dinner time activity for tonight: New Moon

Today the New Pisces Moon is upon us, and all my lovely Pisces friends are on my mind. But all of us can use this period in the lunar cycle to our benefit. The New Moon arrives at 5:35 pm EST -- around dinner time. So I thought I would gather my family around the table this evening and talk about some of the themes that come along with this New Moon. I encourage you to do the same! Don't make it too complicated, just have a conversation, considering the following topics:

~ What are you guiding principles? Your true values?
- ask, then LISTEN. Each family member may have different ideas.
- is the way you are living, individually and collectively, a reflection of these values?
- write down these motivating and centering words and tape them to the bathroom mirror so when each person wakes tomorrow they will see what themes should be top of mind as they go through their day. When our choices are aligned with our core values and principles we are truly living an authentic and fulfilling life.

This is a time when seemingly rigid and unresolvable issues soften and dissolve. I love the word "dissolve" that has been recurring in my research because it doesn't require great work. This is not a time to struggle and chip away at longstanding obstacles. Look at them, and with a forgiving and loving heart dissolve them. Disengage from the attachment we have to these obstacles, and with clear boundaries let them go. Once we do this the unity that is let in will lift us up so we can see more clearly that our time here is finite and forgiveness will set us free!

This is a time for goodness, healing, and power. New creation needs a clear path to manifest so free yourself from what holds you back or slows you down. Don't stress over it, don't analyze it. Just set yourself free so you can fly~

Happy Mardi Gras, y'all!

Monday, February 20, 2012

An abstract glimpse of my contemplation of ROLES.

I'm eating chocolates, sipping on chardonnay, glancing out the window above my kitchen sink as I rinse and load.

It's Friday night, what used to be family movie night. But tonight I have three kids on three different screens...and earphones. The main TV is off, the music is on and being enjoyed by my husband and I, and the three kids are peaceful in front of their electronics. Eating dinner at the breakfast bar--straight off the grill, on to the cutting board, and in to my mouth.

The oldest finishes her movie--about cyber bullying. I explain to her that we are the first generation of parents to deal with this cyber stuff. We share stories. Topic jumps to pills. Whitney Houston. On to asphyxiation - what does suicide truly mean?


ROLES. Fuck roles. I'm washing the dishes. I'm clearing up this week's paperwork. I'm drinking more chardonnay.

Where's the money coming from? Who cares?
You ran the dishwasher on rinse-only last night. Who cares?

It's Friday night and I spent precious time with my littlest, brushing her hair, getting her clothes off and jammies on. She asked me to brush her teeth for her as we stood in a steamy bathroom to help loosen her nasal and chest congestion. Wondered how the hamster in the room felt about it. Recalled the "nebulizer years" when we took baby Baby in here to breathe better. And learning later that dry heat is really better. Sometimes.

This is a long road--sometimes fast, sometimes so painfully slow. But my ROLE is Mom. Whether I'm earning a paycheck, doing yoga, letting my husband to the laundry, or hiring a nanny. His ROLE is Dad. Whether he's following behind finishing what I don't, selling the crap out of magazine ads, listening to me rant and rave about "the latest research," the neighbor's drama, my own self-inadequacies. Talking to his son about masturbation this weekend.

Yes. ROLES. They exist. How do you define them?