As a Feng Shui Consultant I believe in the deep connection we have to the environments in which we live. Our spirits live in these bodies, and our bodies live in these spaces. Let's take care of ourselves from the inside out, and from the outside in.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I challenge you to think of a new way to answer the following question:
"What do you do for a living?"
Life should be a balance of work and play, family and friends, rest and activity, vegetables and chocolate...
The whole idea of "earning a living" is hogwash. No one has to earn the right to be here. We all deserve to be here and to be happy. If there were to be a description of how to earn a living, I would say something like living a benevolent life, as a positive example to others, caring for our planet, and embracing the gifts that we all have to offer. Finding a way to pay the bills while staying true to these virtues is the best of all worlds. And I guess that goes back to a previous post about doing what you love and the money will follow. But I also like to remind my children that "to whom much is given, much is expected." There are times in our lives when we are givers, and there are times when we are takers. It's a beautiful circle that keeps us in balance.
So how will I answer that question the next time I'm asked--"what do you do for a living?" What is my lifework?
I'm going to ponder that for a while and I guess I'll have to get back to you.

peace, love, and good karma~

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